Molecular Biology Laboratory of Rice Stress and Development

Molecular Biology Laboratory of Rice Stress and Development

Main Research Areas1) Regulation mechanism of rice growth and development; 2) Molecular mechanism and genetic improvement of resistance to stress in rice

Chief Scientist: Jianxiong Li

Team Members: Meng Yang, Weiwei Gao, Yaling Zhao, Kaizun Xu

Recent publications:

1. Sun X, Xie Y, Xu K, Li J. Regulatory networks of the F-box protein FBX206 and OVATE family proteins modulate brassinosteroid biosynthesis to regulate grain size and yield in rice. J Exp Bot, 2024, 75: 789-801.

2. Gao W, Li M, Cheng H, Xia K, Zhang M. The miR5810/OsMRLP6 regulatory module affects rice seedling photosynthesis. The Crop Journal, 2023, 11: 1686-95.

3. Zhu Z, Wu G, Deng R, Hu X, Tan H, Chen Y, Tian Z, Li J. Spatiotemporal biocontrol and rhizosphere microbiome analysis of Fusarium wilt of banana. Commun Biol, 2023, 6: 27.

4. Zhao Y, Cao X, Zhong W, Zhou S, Li Z, An H, Liu X, Wu R, Bohora S, Wu Y, Liang Z, Chen J, Yang X, Zhou G, Zhang T. A viral protein orchestrates rice ethylene signaling to coordinate viral infection and insect vector-mediated transmission. Mol Plant, 2022, 15: 689-705.

5. Gao W, Li M, Yang S, Gao C, Su Y, Zeng X, Jiao Z, Xu W, Zhang M, Xia K. miR2105 and the kinase OsSAPK10 co-regulate OsbZIP86 to mediate drought-induced ABA biosynthesis in rice. Plant Physiol, 2022, 189: 889-905.

6. Chen H, Fang R, Deng R, Li J. The OsmiRNA166b-OsHox32 pair regulates mechanical strength of rice plants by modulating cell wall biosynthesis. Plant Biotechnol J, 2021, 19: 1468-80.

7. Zhao Y, Yang X, Zhou G, Zhang T. Engineering plant virus resistance: from RNA silencing to genome editing strategies. Plant Biotechnol J, 2020, 18: 328-36.

8. Sun X, Ma Y, Yang C, Li J. Rice OVATE family protein 6 regulates leaf angle by modulating secondary cell wall biosynthesis. Plant Mol Biol, 2020, 104: 249-61.

9. Yang M, Li Y, Liu Z, Tian J, Liang L, Qiu Y, Wang G, Du Q, Cheng D, Cai H, Shi L, Xu F, Lian X. A high activity zinc transporter OsZIP9 mediates zinc uptake in rice. Plant J, 2020, 103: 1695-709.

10. Gao J, Chen H, Yang H, He Y, Tian Z, Li J. A brassinosteroid responsive miRNA-target module regulates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant development. New Phytol, 2018, 220: 488-501.

11. Yang C, Ma Y, He Y, Tian Z, Li J. OsOFP19 modulates plant architecture by integrating the cell division pattern and brassinosteroid signaling. Plant J, 2018, 93: 489-501.

12. Yang M, Lu K, Zhao FJ, Xie W, Ramakrishna P, Wang G, Du Q, Liang L, Sun C, Zhao H, Zhang Z, Liu Z, Tian J, Huang XY, Wang W, Dong H, Hu J, Ming L, Xing Y, Xiao J, et al. Genome-Wide Association Studies Reveal the Genetic Basis of Ionomic Variation in Rice. Plant Cell, 2018, 30: 2720-40.