Zijun Lu, Lianjun Zhu, Guobin Liang, Xiaoxia Li, Qihang Li, Yajing Li, Shengbo He, Jinwen Wu, Xiangdong Liu, Jingyi Zhang
Plant Physiology, kiae145, DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiae145
Polyploid hybrid rice (Oryza sativa) has great potential for increasing yields. However, hybrid rice depends on male fertility and its regulation, which is less well studied in polyploid rice than in diploid rice. We previously identified an MYB transcription factor, MORE FLORET1 (MOF1), whose mutation causes male sterility in neo-tetraploid rice. MOF1 expression in anthers peaks at anther Stage 7 (S7) and progressively decreases to low levels at S10. However, it remains unclear how the dynamics of MOF1 expression contribute to male fertility. Here, we carefully examined anther development in both diploid and tetraploid mof1 rice mutants, as well as lines ectopically expressing MOF1 in a temporal manner. MOF1 mutations caused delayed degeneration of the tapetum and middle layer of anthers and aberrant pollen wall organization. Ectopic MOF1 expression at later stages of anther development led to retarded cytoplasmic reorganization of tapetal cells. In both cases, pollen grains were aborted and seed production was abolished, indicating that precise control of MOF1 expression is essential for male reproduction. We demonstrated that 5 key tapetal genes, CYP703A3 (CYTOCHROME P450 HYDROXYLASE 703A3), OsABCG26 (O. sativa ATP BINDING CASSETTE G26), PTC1 (PERSISTENT TAPETAL CELL1), PKS2 (POLYKETIDE SYNTHASE 2), and OsABCG15 (O. sativa ATP BINDING CASSETTE G15), exhibit expression patterns opposite to those of MOF1 and are negatively regulated by MOF1. Moreover, DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAP-seq), luciferase activity assays, and electrophoretic mobility shift assays indicated that MOF1 binds directly to the PKS2 promoter for transcriptional repression. Our results provide a mechanistic basis for the regulation of male reproduction by MOF1 in both diploid and tetraploid rice. This study will facilitate the development of polyploid male sterile lines, which are useful for breeding of polyploid hybrid rice.