Plant genetics and physiology research group

Plant genetics and physiology research group

Lab outreach

Main research areas: (1) Functions of non-coding RNA in plant; (2) Plant disease and stress resistance; (3) Objectives and strategies for crop quality improvements.

Chief Scientist,Dr. Yunfeng Liu, Professor

National Young Yangtze River Scholar, selected in Guangxi overseas high-level talents "100 People Plan". Host several national natural science fund projects and Guangxi outstanding youth project.

Team Members


 Dr. Shengchao Ge, Associate professor 

Dr. Ge obtained his Ph.D degree at Wuhan University and continued his postdoctoral training at the same university. His research interest focuses on plant cell development and plant

disease and stress resistance.

Dr. Yuan Su, Assistant professor

Dr. Su obtained his Ph.D degree at University of Missouri-St. Louis and postdoctoral training at Purdue University. His research interest focuses on plant responses to abiotic and biotic stresses and plant metabolism regulation.

Selected Representative Publications

Su Y#, Wu J#, Chen W, Shan J, Chen D, Zhu G, Ge S*, Liu Y*. (2024) Spliceosomal snRNAs, the essential players in pre-mRNA processing in eukaryotic nucleus: from biogenesis to functions and spatiotemporal characteristics. Advanced Biology, 26:e2400006.

Yi Y#, Lin C#, Peng X, Zhang M, Wu J, Meng C, Ge S, Liu Y*, Su Y*. (2023) R3-MYB proteins OsTCL1 and OsTCL2 modulate seed germination via dual pathways in rice. The Crop Journal, 11:1752-1761.

Ge S#, Sun P#, Wu W, Chen X, Wang YF, Zhang M, Huang J*, Liang YK*. (2023) COBL7 is required for stomatal formation via regulation of cellulose deposition in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist, 241(1):227-242.

Li J#, Su Y#, Shapiro CA, Schachtman DP, Wang X. (2023) Phosphate deficiency modifies lipid composition and seed oil production in Camelina. Plant Science, 330:111636.

Ge S#, Zhang RX#, Wang YF, Sun P, Chu J, Li J, Sun P, Wang J, Hetherington AM, Liang YK. (2022) The Arabidopsis Rab protein RABC1 affects stomatal development by regulating lipid droplet dynamics. Plant Cell, 34(11):4274-4292.

Wang W#, Pu X#, Yang S, Feng Y, Lin C, Li M, Li X, Li H, Meng C, Xie Q, Yu B*, Liu Y*. (2020) Alternative splicing of DSP1 enhances snRNA accumulation by promoting transcription termination and recycle of the processing complex. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 117(33):20325-20333.

Pu X, Meng C, Wang W, Yang S, Chen Y, Xie Q, Yu B*, Liu Y*. (2019) DSP1 and DSP4 act synergistically in small nuclear RNA 3’ end maturation and pollen growth. Plant Physiology 180, 2142–2151.