苏元 助理教授,博士,硕士生导师
研究方向: 脂质代谢,植物缺磷响应调控
1. 广西大学人才科研启动项目,2021-09至2024-09,40万元,主持, 在研
1. Cao H, Gong R, Yuan S, Su Y, Lv W, Zhou Y, Zhang Q, Deng X, Tong P, Liang S, Wang X, Hong Y. (2021) Phospholipase Dα6 and phosphatidic acid regulate gibberellin signaling in rice. EMBO Report 22:e51871.
2. Su Y, Stahelin RV. (2020) The Minor Matrix Protein VP24 from Ebola Virus Lacks Direct Lipid-Binding Properties. Viruses 12:869.
3. Plescia CB, David EA, Patra D, Sengupta R, Amiar S, Su Y, Stahelin RV. (2020) SARS-CoV-2 viral budding and entry can be modeled using BSL-2 level virus-like particles. Journal of Biological Chemistry 296:100103.
4. Su Y, Li M, Guo L, Wang X. (2018) Different effects of phospholipase Dζ2 and nonspecific phospholipase C4 on lipid remodeling and root hair growth in Arabidopsis response to phosphate deficiency. The Plant Journal 94:315-326.
5. Cao H, Zhuo L, Su Y, Sun L, Wang X. (2016) Non-specific phospholipase C1 affects silicon distribution and mechanical strength in stem nodes of rice. The Plant Journal 86: 308-321.