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黄巍博士先后从事重要农艺性状分子机制的和植物生物节律分子调控机制的研究,黄巍教授主要利用水稻,拟南芥,苜蓿等植物,研究生物钟调控植物环境适应性和抗逆性的分子遗传基础,研究植物生物钟如何适应不同地域环境和逆境的分子机制,鉴定植物生物钟调控适应环境变化的关键基因和自然变异等研究内容,工作成果曾发表于Science,Nature Genetics等国际学术杂志。


(1)国家重点人才工程(国外、青年), 植物生物节律和环境适应性的研究

2015/10-2020/10, 250万元,主持,结题;

(2)NSFC-广东联合基金重点项目,U170120015,水稻株型与粒宽关键调控基因的功能与分子机理研究,2018/01 -2021/12,300万元,在研,参加;

(3)广东自然科学基金研究团队项目, 课题号:2016A030312009, 作物吸收累积邻苯二甲酸酯的基因差异及其机理研究, 2016/06-2021/06,300万元,在研,参加;

(4)广东省自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号2019A1515012009,生物钟调控西藏拟南芥适应高原环境气候的自然变异的定位与研究, 2019/10/01-2022/09/30,10万元,在研,主持;


(1)Huang,W. , Pérez-García, P., Pokhilko, A., Millar, A.J., Antoshechkin, I.,Riechmann ,J.L., Mas, P*.  Mapping the Core of the Arabidopsis CircadianClock Defines the Network Structure of the Oscillator.

Science. 2012, Apr 6; 336(6077):75-79

(2) Song, X.J. #, Huang, W. #, Shi, M., Zhu, M.Z., Lin, H.X*.  A QTL for rice

grain width and weight encodes a previously unknown RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligase.

Nature Genetic, 2007,39(5): 623–630. (#Contributed equally).

(3)Qi,P#., Lin,Y.S#., Song,X.J#., Shen,J.B.,Huang,W., Shan, J.X., Zhu,M.Z.,      

 Jiang,L.,Gao, J.P., Lin,H.X*. The novel quantitative trait locus GL3.1 controls rice grainsize and yield by regulating Cyclin-T1;3.

  Cell Research ,2012, 22:1666–1680

(4)Jin, J., Huang, W., Gao, J.P., Yang, J., Shi, M., Zhu, M.Z., Luo, D., Lin, H.X*. Genetic control of rice plant architecture under domestication.

Nature Genetics,2008,40(11): 1365-1369.

(5) Ren, Z.H.#, Gao, J.P.#, Li, L.G.#, Cai, X.L.,Huang,W., Chao,D.Y., Zhu,M.Z., Wang,Z.Y., Luan,S., Lin,H.X*. A rice quantitative trait locus for salt tolerance encodes a sodium transporter.

Nature Genetics,2005, 37(10): 1141 – 1146.

(6) Yan-Zhao Feng, Yang Yu, Yan-Fei Zhou, Yu-Wei Yang, Meng-Qi Lei, Jian-Ping  Lian, Huang He, Yu-Chan Zhang, Wei Huang and Yue-Qin Chen*(2019)A Natural Variant of miR397 Mediates A Feedback Loop in Circadian Rhythm.

Plant Physiology Published January 2020.

(7) Shenxiu Du, Liang Chen , Liangfa Ge  and Wei Huang*(2019)A Novel Loop: Mutual Regulation Between Epigenetic Modification and the Circadian Clock.

Frontiers in Plant Science  January 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 22

(8) Jian-Guo Huang*... Wei Huang...(2020) Photoperiod and temperature as dominant environmental drivers triggering secondary growth resumption in Northern Hemisphere conifers.

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) August 25, 2020 117 (34) 20645-20652

(9) Fan Bu , Mingkang Yang , Xu Guo , Wei Huang* , Liang Chen* (2020) Multiple Functions of ATG8 Family Proteins in Plant Autophagy.

Front Cell Dev Biol . 2020 Jun 10;8:466.

(10)Liping Wang , Anqi Zhou, Jing Li, Mingkang Yang, Fan Bu, Liangfa Ge , Liang Chen*, Wei Huang* (2021) Circadian rhythms driving a fast-paced root clock implicate species-specific regulation in Medicago truncatula.

J Integr Plant Biol. 2021 May 19 doi: 10.1111/jipb.13138



