柳青 副教授、硕士生导师
博士,华南农业大学生命科学学院副教授。2013年11月-2015年11月在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校UCLA联合培养。2016年获吉林大学植物学博士学位。2017年-2021年3月在福建农林大学海峡联合研究院担任副教授,2021年4月,通过“高层次人才”引进华南农业大学工作。主要从事植物光信号转导网络调控机制以及玉米耐密植理想株型关键基因的克隆及功能研究。近五年来主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,福建省自然科学基金面上项目,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,国家重点研发计划课题(课题骨干)。在 Nature Communications, Molecular Plant,New phytologist等国际著名杂志发表论文十几篇。
1. 广东省自然科学基金(面上项目,2022),主持
2. 国家重点研发计划课题(2021YFF1000302,2021年),课题骨干
3. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金,31801018, 2019年),主持
4. 福建省自然科学基金(面上项目,2018J01605,2018年),主持
1. Qing Liu*, Tiantian Su, Wenjin He, Huibo Ren, SiyuanLiu, Yadi Chen, Lin Gao, Xiaohua Hu1, Haoyue Lu, Shijiang Cao, Ying Huang, XuWang, Qin Wang, and Chentao Lin. (2020)Photooligomerization determines photosensitivity and photoreactivity of plantcryptochromes. Molecular Plant. 13, 398–413. (first author) (IF=12.084)
2. Qin Wang, Qing Liu*, Xu Wang, Zecheng Zuo, Yoshito Oka, and ChentaoLin. (2018) New insights into the mechanismof phytochrome-cryptochrome co action. New phytologist. 217: 547–551. (co-first author) (IF=7.299)
3. QingLiu*, Qin Wang, WeixianDeng, Xu Wang, Mingxin Piao, Dawei Cai, Yaxing Li, William D. Barshop, XiaolanYu, Tingting Zhou, Bin Liu, Yoshito Oka, James Wohlschlegel, Zecheng Zuo, andChentao Lin. (2017) Molecular basis for blue light-dependentphosphorylation of Arabidopsiscryptochrome 2. Nature Communications. 8:15234.(first author, Cited by F1000)(IF=12.353)
4. Qing Liu*, Qin Wang, Bin Liu,Wei Wang, Xu Wang, Joon Park, Zhenming Yang, XinglinDu, Mingdi Bian, and Chentao Lin. (2016)The Blue Light-Dependent Polyubiquitination and Degradation of Arabidopsis Cryptochrome2 RequiresMultiple E3 Ubiquitin Ligases. Plant and Cell Physiology. 57(10):2175–2186.(first author)(IF=4.760)
5. Ming Guo, Qing Liu*, Hui Yu,Tingting Zhou, Jing Zou, Hui Zhang, Mingdi Bian and Xuanming Liu. (2015) Characterizationof Alkali Stress-Responsive Genes of the Family in Sweet Sorghum [(L.) Moench]. Crop Science.55(3):1254. (co-first author) (IF=1.550)
6. Qin Wang, Zecheng Zuo, Xu Wang, Lianfeng Gu,Takeshi Yoshizumi, Zhaohe Yang, Liang Yang, Qing Liu*, Wei Liu, Yun-Jeong Han, Bin Liu, James A.Wohlschlegel, Minami Matsui, Yoshito Oka and Chentao Lin. (2016)Photoactivation and inactivation mechanisms of Arabidopsis cryptochrome 2. Science, 354:343-347.
7. Qin Wang, Zecheng Zuo, XuWang, Qing Liu*, Lianfeng Gu,YoshitoOka and Chentao Lin. (2018) Beyond the photocycle – how cryptochromes regulate photoresponsesin plants? CurrentOption in Plant Biology, 45:120-126.
8. Xu Wang,Qin Wang, Yun-Jeong Han, Qing Liu*,Zhaohe Yang, Jun Su, Bobin Liu, Zecheng Zuo, Wenjin He, Jian Wang, Bin Liu,Minami Matsui, Jeong-II Kim, Yoshito Oka, Chentao Lin. (2017)A CRY-BIC Negative-Feedback CircuitryRegulating Blue Light Sensitivity of Arabidopsis.Theplant journal, 92(3):426-436.
9.Tingting Zhou,Lingyang Meng, Yue Ma, Qing Liu*,Yunyun Zhang, Zhenming Yang, Deguang Yang, Mingdi Bian.(2018) Overexpression of sweet sorghum cryptochrome 1a confershypersensitivity to blue light, abscisic acid and salinity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Rep,37(2): 251–264
10. Yan Zhao,Ying Wang, Qing Liu*, Ying Zhai, Yang Zhao,Meijuan Zhang, Wei Sha. (2017) Cloning of a new LEA1 genepromoter from soybean and functional analysis in transgenictobacco. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult,130(2):379-391.
11. Liang Yang,Xu Wang, Weixian Deng, Weiliang Mo, Jie Gao, Qing Liu*, Chuanyu Zhang, Qin Wang, Chentao Lin, and ZechengZuo. (2016) Using HEK293T Expression System to Study Photoactive PlantCryptochromes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 940.
12.Hui Yu,Wenzhu Jiang, Qing Liu*, HuiZhang, Mingxin Piao, Zhengdao Chen, and Mingdi Bian.(2015) Expression patternand subcellular localization of the ovate protein family in rice. PloSone, 10: e0118966.
13.Hui Zhang,Wuliang Shi, Jiangfeng You, Mingdi Bian, Xiaomei Qin, Hui Yu, Qing Liu*, Peter R. Ryan, andZhenming Yang. (2015) Transgenic Arabidopsisthaliana plants expressing a beta-1,3-glucanase from sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) show reduced callosedeposition and increased tolerance to aluminium toxicity. Plant, cell & environment,38:1178-1188.
14. ChunxiaZhang, Mingdi Bian, Hui Yu, Qing Liu*, Zhenming Yang. (2011) Identification of alkalinestress-responsive genes of CBL family in sweetsorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). Plant Physiol Biochem, 49:1306-1312.
15. Chuan Deng, Qing Liu*, IH Ali, Hui Zhang, Hui Yu, Zhenming Yang, and Mingdi Bian. (2013)Evaluation of regeneration potential of sweet sorghum genotypes using immatureinflorescences as explants. Researchon Crops, 14(1):106-113.
1. Xu Wang, QingLiu*, Wenjin He, Chentao Lin and Qin Wang. (2019) Characterization ofFlowering Time Mutants. In: Hiltbrunner A. (eds) Phytochromes. Methods inMolecular Biology, vol 2026. Humana, New York, NY.