徐秋涛 教授,博士,博/硕士生导师
研究方向: 甘蔗和水稻表观遗传学
主攻甘蔗和水稻表观遗传学。主要研究领域包括:组蛋白酰基化修饰的鉴定与功能挖掘、能量代谢与表观修饰之间的相互关系以及非组蛋白蛋白翻译后修饰的功能探究。目前第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Communications、Genome Biology、Nucleic Acids Research、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Communications和Plant Physiology等SCI杂志发表论文多篇。主持一项国家自然科学基金青年项目和一项博士后基金面上项目。
国家自然科学基金,面上项目,WOX11介导的活性氧(ROS)和 蛋白质乙酰化修饰在水稻冠根发育中相互作用研究,2020.01至2023.12,57万元,结题,主要参与人。
1. Xu, Q.T.#, Yue Y.P.#, Liu B., Chen Z.T., Ma X., Wang J., Zhao Y., Zhou D. X.*. ATP-citrate lyase and Histone AcetylTransferase1 form a nuclear module to acetylate histone H4K5 and promote cell proliferation. Nat Commun. 2023 14(1):3265
2. Xu, Q.T.#, Wang, Y.J.#, Chen, Z.T., Yue, Y.P., Huang, H.L., Wu, B.G., Liu, Y., Zhou, D.X., and Zhao, Y.*. ROS-stimulated Protein Lysine Acetylation Is Required for Crown Root Development in Rice. J Adv Res. 2023 48:33-46
3. Xu, Q.T. #, Wang, Y.J. #, Yue, Y.P., Chen, Z.T., Zhou, D.X., and Zhao, Y.* Transcription factor WOX11 regulates protein translation via ribosome protein acetylation in rice roots. Plant Physiol. 2023 191(4):2224-2228
4. Xu, Q.T., Liu, Q., Chen, Z.T., Yue, Y.P., Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., and Zhou, D.X.* Histone deacetylases control lysine acetylation of ribosomal proteins in rice. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 49(8):4613-4628
5. Chen X.Y.*, Liu C., Wang H.L., Liu Q., Yue Y.P., Duan Y.H., Wang Z.Y.,
Zheng L., Chen X.L., Yaohui Wang Y.H., Huang J.B., Xu Q.T.* and Pan Y.M*. Ustilaginoidea virens-secreted effector Uv1809 suppresses rice immunity by enhancing OsSRT2-mediated histone deacetylation. Plant Biotechnol J. 2024 22(1):148-164
6. Lu, Y.#, Xu, Q.T.#, Liu, Y., Yu, Y., Cheng, Z.Y., Zhao, Y., and Zhou, D.X.* Dynamics and functional interplay of histone lysine butyrylation, crotonylation, and acetylation in rice under starvation and submergence. Genome Biol. 2018 19(1):144
7. Chen, X.Y. #, Xu, Q.T. #, Duan, Y.H., Liu, H., Chen, X.L., Huang, J.B., Luo, C.X., Zhou, D.X., and Zheng, L.*. Ustilaginoidea virens modulates lysine 2-hydroxyisobutyrylation in rice flowers during infection. J Integr Plant Biol 2021 63:1801-1814
8. Chen, X.Y. #, Xu, Q.T. #, Yue, Y.P., Duan, Y.H., Liu, H., Chen, X.L., Huang, J.B., and Zheng, L.*. Comparative oxidation proteomics analyses suggest redox regulation of cytosolic translation in rice leaves upon Magnaporthe oryzae infection. Plant Commun 2023 4(3):100550
9. Xu, Q.T. #, Yang, L., Zhou, Z.Q.*, Mei, F.Z., Qu, L.H., and Zhou, G.S. Process of aerenchyma formation and reactive oxygen species induced by waterlogging in wheat seminal roots. Planta 2013 238:969-982
10. Liu, X.Y., Zhou, S.L., Wang, W.T., Ye, Y.R., Zhao, Y., Xu, Q.T., Zhou, C., Tan, F., Cheng, S.F., and Zhou, D.X.*. Regulation of histone methylation and reprogramming of gene expression in the rice inflorescence meristem. Plant Cell 2015 27:1428-1444
11. Ullah, F., Xu, Q.T., Zhao, Y., and Zhou, D.X.* Histone deacetylase HDA710 controls salt tolerance by regulating ABA signaling in rice. J Integr Plant Biol 2021 63:451-467